View Assessing Records Online
The Assessing Department is responsible for establishing the market value of all taxable real and personal property in the Township.
Please note: the Assessing Department is not responsible for establishing tax rates nor does this department collect property taxes.
In addition to determining market value, the department also:
- Establishes value for new construction
- Maintains the land file system which tracks all real property parcels by owner information and/or legal description
- Ensures that the Township mapping system is current by processing all approved land divisions and combinations
- Coordinates valuation appeals through the March Board of Review process, including correcting mutual mistakes of fact or clerical errors at the July or December Board of Review, if required.
- Defends assessments at the Michigan Tax Tribunal for valuation / Classification / Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) appeals.
Assessing information is available online 24 hours a day, and at the Assessor’s Office during normal business hours, 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, except during holidays.
Assessing Field Work
The Assessing Department is often in the field, updating property records, which means you may see them taking measurements and photographs in your neighborhood. Staffmembers conducting this work will carry Township identification, and will attempt to contact someone on the property before beginning their work. If you have any questions, you may contact the Assessing Department for more information.
Assessor’s Office Accessibility Policy pursuant to PA 660 of 2018
- The Assessing Department’s business hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30am – 6:00pm. Please see the Township website at for any closures that may impact office hours.
- A taxpayer may submit inquiries to:
- Amanda Carrigan, MAAO Assessor - (810) 632-7498
- Lisa Johnson, MAAO Assistant Assessor (810) 632-7498
- Sheri Sosnowski, MCAO Appraiser (810) 632-7498
- The estimated response time to inquiries is 2 or less business days. *Please note, our offices are closed on Fridays.
- A taxpayer may arrange a meeting with an Assessing Department employee for the purpose of discussing an inquiry in-person by calling the office during normal business days or by sending the staff an email.
- Taxpayer requests for inspection or production of records maintained by the Assessing Department may be made by calling (810) 632-7498 or by emailing the staff above; a Freedom of Information Act request may be required.
- This department is responsible for real and personal property assessment functions in Hartland Township, for ensuring that all property is fairly and equatibly assessed among all taxpayers as required by Michigan Property tax laws, and for maintaining accurate assessment records.