#19-004 Rezoning (OS to SR - Meolody Acres Office)
Parcel: Various
Located: The parcels are part of the Melody Acres platted subdivision which was developed in phases from 1951-1954. Eleven (11) parcels are part of Melody Acres No. 1 subdivision (platted in 1951); two (2) parcels are part of Melody Acres No. 2 (platted in 1953); and twenty-nine (29) parcels are part of Melody Acres No. 4 (platted in 1954).
Applicant – Hartland Township
Approval State: Approved
Next Meeting: N/A
Description: Request is to rezone approximately 42 parcels from OS (Office Service) to SR (Suburban Residential), located in Section 22 of Hartland Township.
Documents Available:
Meeting List, Minutes and Video:
- 12/19/19 Planning Commission Minutes
- 1/21/20 Township Board Minutes
- 12/19/19 Planning Commission Video
- 1/21/20 Township Board Video