How to Pay Your Utility or Tax Bill
Hartland Township now offers several options for making Utility Bill Payments:
NEW! For your convenience Hartland now offers online payments of utility bills.
If you are paying for more than one account number on a single payment, please note both account numbers so the payments can be applied correctly.
Automatic Withdrawals (ACH) (See form below)
Automatic Withdrawal of quarterly utility bill(s) will be automatically paid as an electronic withdrawal from your bank account on the billing due date every three months. This authorization will stay on file and in effect unless you provide a written notice to us at least 15 days before the withdrawal date. If changes are required, this must also be done 15 days before the due date. If Hartland Township receives notification that there has been a change in ownership of the property enrolled, the ACH will automatically be removed.
Mail Checks payable to: “Hartland Township Treasurer”, 2655 Clark Road Hartland, Michigan 48353 (do not send cash). Please enclose your remittance stub along with your payment as well as write your account number and phone number on your check. If a receipt is desired, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Please note Hartland Township does not accept postmarks. Checks are accepted only as a conditional payment. If your check is not honored by your bank the payment will be reversed and you will incur a $25.00 fee as well as your account will be subject to further penalties and/or interest.
In Person
Bring your bill to the Treasurer’s Office along with your payment Monday through Thursday.
After Hours Drop Box
We encourage payments in the brown night deposit box located at the front of the building near the main entrance on Clark Road. These payments will be applied on the next Township workday. If you desire a receipt, please enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
Hartland Township now offers several options for making Tax Bill Payments:
NEW! For your convenience Hartland now offers online payments of Tax bills.
Please note that online payments are only accepted July 1st through February 28th for tax payments. Do not make tax payments through the UB online payment system.
Automatic Withdrawals (ACH) (See below for enrollment form)
Automatic Withdrawal of tax bill(s) will be automatically paid as an electronic withdrawal from your bank account on the specified dates per the form below. This authorization will stay on file and in effect unless you provide a written notice to us at least 15 days before the withdrawal date. If changes are required, this must also be done 15 days before the due date. If Hartland Township receives notification that there has been a change in ownership of the property enrolled, the ACH will automatically be removed.
Mail Checks payable to: “Hartland Township Treasurer”, 2655 Clark Road Hartland, Michigan 48353 (do not send cash). Please enclose your remittance stub along with your payment as well as write your account number and phone number on your check. If a receipt is desired, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Please note Hartland Township does not accept postmarks. Checks are accepted only as a conditional payment. If your check is not honored by your bank the payment will be reversed and you will incur a $25.00 fee as well as your account will be subject to further penalties and/or interest.
In Person
Bring your bill to the Treasurer’s Office along with your payment Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
After Hours Drop Box
We encourage payments in the brown night deposit box located at the front of the building near the main entrance on Clark Road. These payments will be applied on the next Township workday. If you desire a receipt, please enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
Pay at the Bank
Tax payments are accepted at the Hartland branch of Bank of Ann Arbor, located on M-59 in Hartland Township. Please bring your remittance stub with you when making your payment at the bank.
Delinquent Taxes
As of March 1st, delinquent tax payments are payable only to the Livingston County Treasurer, 200 E. Grand River, Howell, Michigan 48843; phone 517-546-7010. Call to verify amount due. Any tax payments received after March 1st will be returned, as the Township is required to stop tax collection on the last day of February each year.
Delinquent personal property tax payments are payable only to the Hartland Township Treasurer. Call to verify amount due.

Mail checks payable to: “Hartland Township Treasurer,” 2655 Clark Road, Hartland, Michigan 48353. (Do not send cash.) If a receipt is desired, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your check.
** Please write your telephone number and utility bill account number on your check for reference. Payment will be recorded on the date received-not the date it is mailed or the date the check is written. Postmarks will not be accepted. Checks are accepted only as a conditional payment. If not honored and cancelled through the bank, the utility bill remains due.
In Person
Bring your tax bill with you to the Treasurer’s Department along with payment, between 9:00 am and 5:00pm, Monday through Thursday.
After Hours Drop Box
We encourage payments in the brown night deposit box located at the front of the building near the main entrance, at 2655 Clark Road. These payments will be applied on the next Township work day. If you desire a stamped receipt, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with your payment.